New Technology – Reflection Air Coat Dressing
D125 Reflection Aircoat Dressing
We are proud to introduce not only a truly unique tire and engine dressing, but a unique method of application. Reflection Aircoat Dressing is a cutting edge water base formula that truly performs with the brilliant shine, repellancy, and durability of our best solvent based dressing. And when used with a HVLP (high volume low pressure) gun and air pressure, it is dispensed in the perfect amount onto your tire or engine. The huge upside of this procedure is not only that you can be pinpoint accurate in where it is applied, but there is virtually no waste of product! No overspray on the wheel, behind the tire, no wasted dressing dripping off the engine compartment. And, No Sling! Applied in the perfect volume, the tire shines and repels water through several rainstorms!